The 2016 Election became the fight for the soul of America. This election has become so polarized and divisive, emotions are running as high as the stakes. May we recommend something to go with it?
Read on the Village Voice 🡺Artifically colored, flavored, and slick with high-fuctose corn syrup, this addictive drug cocktail is deeply associated with the Houston hip hop community.
Read on Mass Appeal 🡺2C-E or “Europa” is a synthetic psychedelic phenethylamine hallucinogen. It’s a powerful drug that’s like setting off mental fireworks, bringing a bounty of colors, sounds, sights, and thoughts that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. It’s a vacation from the vacation of the ordinary.
Read Here 🡺 Read on Animal New York 🡺A Finnish-Swedish joint study of over 900 convicted homicides has found a link between use of drugs and violent crimes like homicide. But we must beware confusing correlation and causation.
Read Here 🡺 Read on Animal New York 🡺Doctors outright admit to diagnosing children with ADHD so they can be given amphetamines to improve their poor school performance. However, morality gets in the way of extending this luxury to anyone that can afford it. In our late capitalist dystopia, it will eventually be whoever can afford the most nootropics in a chemical arms race.
Read Here 🡺 Read on Animal New York 🡺Imagine just any college chemistry student is given the skills to start producing brand new never before seen drugs with just a few presses of the keyboard. It sounds crazy now, but research by University of Illinois chemist Martin Burke may just make it our reality soon.
Read Here 🡺 Read on Animal New York 🡺Doctors outright admit to diagnosing children with ADHD so they can be given amphetamines to improve their poor school performance. However, morality gets in the way of extending this luxury to anyone that can afford it. In our late capitalist dystopia, it will eventually be whoever can afford the most nootropics in a chemical arms race.
Read Here 🡺 Read on Animal New York 🡺